Heat Set Insert Tools
These are a set of simple tools for inserting heat-set inserts into 3D-printed parts. They're made out of brass using the lathe and pillar drill. They're designed to be used with a Lexivon gas soldering iron.
This photo shows the first set of insert tools I made (for M3, M4 and M5 inserts) in early 2022. The thread on the rear end is (rather obscurely) M7×1. Fortunately, I had a die for that thread in a set I bought years ago so making them was quite straightforward. They've all been used many times (in fact they're the main thing I use the gas soldering iron for).
This shows another insert tool I made more recently. I'd designed a part that required a heat-set insert in a position that wouldn't allow full access to the length of the soldering iron body, so I made this simple dog-leg inserter to allow access. It's made in two parts: the angled piece has an M4 thread on the end and that goes into a tapped hole on the body. This was again made with lathe and pillar drill; the flat on the side was shaped with a hand file.
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