Kumiko Box
This is a Kumiko box that I made as a present. The base of the box is made from ash with mitred dovetail corners. The base and lining are American black walnut. The lid is made as an American black walnut frame with maple for the Izutsu-tsunagi Kumiko pattern.
This photo shows the lining, which was cut out of some bookmatched walnut so that the grain carries on all the way round the inside of the box.
This photo gives another view of the Kumiko pattern. The Kumiko (including all the jigs to help with consistent cuts) was made using hand tools only (with the exception of a bit of resawing of thick stock with the bandsaw), as was the rest of the box.
There's a very detailed "warts-and-all" write-up of the process I went through to make this box on a separate set of pages on this site.
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